Bringing the good news to Geraldton
Our aim at the Geraldton Anglican Cathedral is to reach, build and send for Christ! We’re a community of Christians seeking to know God better and to make him known to others. The message of the cross of Jesus is great news to our world because it brings us back to God. Since we discover Jesus in the Bible, we place a high priority on helping each other understand it more. We are a family of God’s people who support and encourage one another through both the good and the bad times we experience.
Everyone is welcome to join us, and find out about the hope and peace that our great God offers to his world!
Sunday 8:00am in the main body of the Cathedral. The sermon offers solid Bible teaching and we share the Lord’s Supper together. This service is supported each week by our Cathedral Choir as we sing traditional hymns together. We gather afterwards in the Cathedral Hall for fellowship and light breakfast.
Sunday 10:00am in the main body of the Cathedral. We are family friendly with children heading out for Sunday School during the service. There is also a small lounge area for parents with small children. Each week there is solid Bible teaching, along with contemporary music. We gather afterwards in the Cathedral for fellowship and morning tea.
Wednesday 10:00am in the Cathedral. We have a shortened prayer book service with the Lord’s Supper and morning tea afterwards in the hall.
Services are held at Easter and Christmas at St Catherine’s, Greenough Hamlet, Brand Hwy and at Holy Trinity, Walkaway-Nangetty Rd, Walkaway Hamlet. Check Cathedral website for service times.
The Very Rev Lachlan Edwards (Dean) - After completing his Bachelor of Theology at Trinity Theological College in Perth Lachlan and Bec then ministered in Broome and Exmouth before heading to NSW to minister in Wollongong and North Sydney. They are both excited to be back in the North West in a place they love and with people they love. Lachlan and Bec have a passion to help people grow in their relationship with Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. They love the bible and God’s church. Lachlan has a background in small business and electronics and Bec has a background in project management and has most recently been a librarian.
Assistant Minister Rev Mike Welham (Youth & Children’s Minister) - Mike and his family started with us in January 2021. He worked as a primary school teacher before returning to study at Trinity Theological College in Perth. He is passionate about helping Christians understand and apply the gospel of Jesus Christ inside the church and loves engaging with people who don’t know Jesus yet. He oversees our primary and high-school student ministries to help them live for Jesus into their adult years. Mike loves the beach, camping, coffee, and long chats about Jesus. He is married to Emma, and their three children are Zac, Ollie and Eliza.
Call: 0437 150 100
Visit: 101 Cathedral Ave, Geraldton 6530
Post: Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross
PO Box 271, Geraldton WA 6531